
Arched Mirror 34x36

Arquiste 26x36

Asia set of 2

Athenas Throne silver 56x69

Aurora on the Lake I - Large

Aurora on The Lake I - Small

Beaded thick frame

Bendale 25x25

black and white maze

Black and Yellow 40x50

Bolzano 40x40

Boys of Summer

Carman 60x25

Cedar Lake 76.25 x 61.5 set of 3

Chateris 36x48

Contempo art

Cruz Mirror Octagon shape

Decoupage Horizon I

Decoupage Horizon II

Decoupage Horizon III 16x22

Dogs Day

Eclipse script 60x40

Ellsworth Inspired I

Espresso Fields w/gold leaf 54x68

Fay 41x51

Flynn 50x50

Fusion 40x50

Fusion II 68x25

Geo Forms (set of 3)

Glacier 30x40

Glen Round Mirror 48"

Gobi 40x40

Gold Mirror 42x41.5

Gold Script

Golden Isle 40x50

Illusions 50x50

Illusions horizontal 72x36

Khrysos gold black 50x40

Lace 40x40

Live Edge Triptych

Lure 35x35

Matisse Black 24x36

Metal Medley 68x54

mid century art

Mid-Post III

Mid-post set of 4

Mirror Goldie 39x42

moon art

Mountain hills

Muscle Man

Nantucket w/ laguna silver


oval mirror

Oval Mirror 47x23

Palm Beach 40x50

Parisienne Page III


Plum Blossom Sakura

rectangular gold mirror

rectangular mirror 24x48

rectangular mirror long 24.5x58

Red Script

Rockledge 40x50


round mirror gold

Sakura I 40x40

Sakura II 40x40

Sakura Small/ Gold Frame

Script Square

Seattle 27x30

Shadows Eve 50x50

Shenan Doah 40x50

Silver set of 3

sinking feeling 48x48

Sprucer 60x40


Sublime 40x40

Swift Pane 69x56


Temptation 40x50

Teryn Art 59.5x60

Therese set of 3

Tiberias 40x50

trees horizontal 60x30

Tribal art 1

Tribal art 2

Triumph 40x50

vanila 1

vanilla 2

Verona 40x40

Vespa 42x68

White waves

Wine 60x60


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